Anyway...Friday at 12pm Molly and Jerm and I headed from Cleo to my Dad's house in Bristol. Molly and I took on the daunting task of cleaning (gasp) the basement, while Jerm weed-whacked the ridiculously steep and huge hill in front of the house. We were so grimy and tired after four hours of decently hard labor (definitely hard labor on Jeremy's part)! Our friend Adam, who also resides in Bristol, came over to help and hang out. He and Molly left right before Jerm and I took off from my Dad's around 5pm for a Dave Matthews Band concert at The Meadows (or whatever it's called these will ALWAYS be the Meadows) in downtown Hartford. We met up with Erica (my little sister), Ashley (my best friend from high school), and Melissa (another friend from high school) on lot. They'd been tailgating for awhile, so Jerm and I tried to sell some Puff T. pins and patches. 10 different Bros and Way-Underage-Preppy-Bitches actually, seriously asked us what a patch was. "What's a patch?" Wait, what...really? We bumped into one guy on lot who called us out as actual "heads" in a sea of posers and just straight up idiots. We laughed at the crowd for a little while, and ultimately left on the note: "you know dude, only one in ten thousand come for the show".
And it was a great show, despite the trashed KIDS everywhere. Jerm and I did have to leave early though...because we booked it straight out of Hartford at midnight, on the dot. And so Saturday began.
The drive was wonderful. Best drive back to Rock Camp ever! Daybreak hit as we rolled through Pennsylvania (which, we determined takes a quarter of the entire time of the trip to drive through). As we drove through Maryland and West Virginia (the teaser part, before hours of Virginia driving) the clouds were rolling down along the hills and fog covered the road. It was beautiful. From there the hours progressed, we drove down the road, and the most magnificent weather broke through the cloud cover. By 9am it was already hot, and incredibly bright, clear, and just so gorgeous. Even though we were beyond exhausted, Jerm and I were having the best time...especially once we hit the back roads of Monroe County.
We made the trip in record time...10.5 hours from Hartford to Rock Camp without driving even one mile per hour over the speed limit (thank god for cruise control) the whole way. Straight shot - all night, and we pulled up to the farmhouse at 10:30am, just in time for the work weekend, to a very scruffy, very happy Sethro. He gave me a huge hug and kiss, gave me a bouquet of lovely pink peonies (not to mention two beautiful hanging pink petunia plants), and a tour of all of the cleaning up he'd done on the farm. We proceeded to relax and regale stories of each others weeks, seated comfortably on the front porch. Sabrina and Justin came up, followed shortly by Melrod and Katie! After a good bit of catching up, hugging, and whatnot, we began picking up the yard and front porch. Katie and Sabrina did a bang-up job cleaning the's so tidy and comfortable now. While Melrod mowed the grass, Justin and Seth gathered wood for bonfires and grilling, Jerm weed-whacked the entire yard, and Katie, Sabrina and I cleaned up the front yard. Around 6pm Robbie and Jennie came around! We talked business for awhile then Robbie set up his equipment on stage and the rage began. He's been playing for about two hours and he's been on fire! He's been mixing up an incredible set and it doesn't seem like he's winding down at all. It's been a pretty glitch-hoppy set, with some funky house and a little drum and bass thrown in. Jennie is attempting to teach Jeremy to hula-hoop (with and led hoop, which is hysterical to watch). I think if he'd just listen and feel the flow of RahBee's beats he'd get it. Then again, maybe Jerm's just not built to move like that. Anyway, it's entertaining.
This is such a phenomenal way to end such a great trip up north, such a great drive, and such a great day working and playing with great friends. I'm dead tired, but sitting here on the couch, on the stage, listening, watching and relaxing next to my all time favorite DJ/producer, with some of my closest friends...well, there's no place I'd rather be.

- All roads lead to Rock Camp
Location:Hartford, CT to Rock Camp, WV
i heard DMB got a new epic light rig