Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Hump Day

Front O' Flier!
Today was one of the few days that I actually got up before Seth...since the beginning of our relationship! I futzed around online and watched an episode of  Law & Order till Seth got up. I spent awhile chatting with Rautio about flier design, banner ads etc.
Back O' Flier!
Seth and I ran out to Lindside to mail some checks and get an oil change. We ate lunch at the Shalebank Diner which was actually delicious. I couldn't finish my delicious chocolate milk shake. We drove through the newly renovated park once we got home. Just as we plopped ourselves on the teeter-totter, Joel rolled up! He and Sethro went to work siting out and designing the Shangri La stage, and I headed back to the house to deal with the mess of social media I've been using to promote Pink Moon online. Rautio banged out the fliers...they look awesome:

We'll be sending them to print any minute now, and should have them after Camp Barefoot (it's a bummer we're not going to be able to unleash these in Bartow, but it'll be fine!)
Anyway, I think Eric did a fantastic job on these, I just love them!

Also, our JamBase ads are up! The large banner is geo-targeted to VA and WV...but we also have an ad under the "Featured Festival" section: here! I was working with Marcus Schmidt, and he was just wonderful!! We also have an ad up on Leeway's Homegrown Music Network, on the home page! We are so getting there!

A screen shot of our JamBase ad

 I'm learning so much as I do this as well! Charlotte, Seth's step mother, once asked me (at a Channukah party) if Seth stifled me as an artist...well the answer to that (which at the time I stumbled over due to utter shock at the question) is: no. Not at all. He's helping me grow as an artist and giving me new and exciting opportunities to express myself in genres that are important to me.
Pink Moon also has a TWITTER page now!! Check it out and follow us (PinkMoonFest)! I'm quickly becoming overwhelmed by all of this social media! I'm only  20 years old...shouldn't this be my "thing"? And I suppose, at one point, I did this all for myself (rather than a company or festival or giant glowing dragon, you know); but I shunned it for almost a year, and jumping back in is pretty difficult. I also feel like a couch potatoe....might have to get a desk from down at the Rock Camp Store, cause my back is killing me!
Looks like we're leaving for Camp Barefoot tomorrow! We're going to have to pack Puff into the truck (geeze, I hope our mattress is dry from Elysian Fields!) Last year we only went up for one night, to hit up EOTO (because they were playing Pink Moon II). We got there late, super late, and then it started to POUR! Jesse, who had been living with us at the time, wandered off with his friends, and Seth and I sat in the truck, waiting out the rain. When it finally did stop...we dragoned like I've never dragoned before! I was wearing flip flops (stupid! stupid! STUPID!) and lost first one, in the thick of the crowd in front of the stage, then the other, on our way back to the truck walking through the woods. It was the WORST! Rocks and twigs and wet rain, probably poo, glass and unknown-biohazardous sharp things threatened my poor tootsies all the way back to the truck. I dragoned Camp Barefoot 2010 barefoot!
Anyway, I'm looking forward to doing Barefoot right this year! They gave us great billing on their site and we're rested and ready! Maybe not packed yet, but ready!

P.S. PRESALE TICKETS GO UP TO $85 IN ONE WEEK!! Get them now to save $15 on the door price! Get them here.

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