Monday, September 2, 2013

Pink Moon Festival V Spotlight: Groova Scape

For over two years now, Groova Scape’s guitarist, vocalist, and bassist have been playing together with a new drummer that has been on board for about six months. The group has been involved in music they were in middle school and the vocalist began at an earlier age singing in the choir. 

Years ago the band consisted of a few different members who all worked at a landscaping company called Ground Up Landscaping. “We used to joke about making a company called Sound Up GooveScaping and after tossing this around for a few days, ‘Groova Scape’ was born with the idea of creating infectious grooves or ‘Groove Scaping’ if you will.”

The group mentioned one unforgettable experience during which they opened for EOTO. Because their bassist was late, Michael Travis sat in for Groova Scape’s bassist and that “was a very cool experience.” 

This will be their third time performing at the Pink Moon Festival and I encourage everyone to check these guys out!  

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